Supporting the Spiritual Growth of our local and global Communities
Praying for our community can seem like more than we can take on when we’re facing challenges in our own lives, but as we open our hearts to our neighbors’ needs, we in turn feel the infinite love of God that lifts us all.
Use the link to access content that supports your prayers.
campership fund for christian scientists
The Campership Fund identifies, encourages, and financially assists individuals who wish to attend a Christian Science camp of their choice.
We feel that finances should never prevent a child from being able to attend one of these camps. If you need assistance or know someone who does, please call the Campership Fund at (541) 344-3524 or go to:
The Principle Foundation
For more than 60 years, The Principle Foundation has provided assistance to Christian Scientists who have an immediate financial need for basic living necessities such as rent, utilities, and transportation. The Oregon/SW Washington local committee (one of 23 volunteer committees nationwide) responds to needs in our area.
If you or someone you know could use a helping hand, The Principle Foundation is ready to offer support for those relying on Christian Science. All requests are treated with respect and confidentiality. Also, please consider joining in this activity of inspired benevolence - the local committee needs you!
Information about The Principle Foundation and our local committee can be found online at and on the bulletin board in our church.
About The Albert Baker Fund
We provide tuition scholarships to Christian Scientists pursuing degrees or certificates at accredited post-secondary institutions (colleges, universities, graduate schools, or vocational training programs). We encourage each of our recipients to “pass their blessing forward” by contributing to their communities, to the Christian Science Movement, and to the world.
For more information, go to:
inco events are throughout the year
Click HERE for more information
Our Church is a Member of INCO - Interfaith Network of Central Oregon
What is INCO? We are diverse religious and spiritual communities working together to build a more just, loving and inclusive community in Central Oregon and in our world.